Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/18/2011 They Called Me Lollipop

I've been applying for some seasonal jobs
on the cruise ships down in the Caribbean.
I haven't given up on a local job
but I quit holding my breath.
When I worked on The Pride of America cruise ship
last spring, all the youth staff had to have silly names.
I really wanted Grouchen, since that's what I was at the
post office because hitting the time clock at six AM
for ten years never sat well with me.
But the ship staff thought that might scare the
younger kids so I picked Peaches.
Well the safety officer, Priscilla, said
she didn't want me to have it since it
was her childhood nick name.
So a darling little five year old named Hannah,
named me Lollipop
and it stuck.
The only snag was I didn't answer to it for a month.
When you are Gretchen for fifty-four years
you get used to it.
That was why I wanted Peaches.
It at least has that cha cha cha sound in it.
So they called me Lollipop for two months.
But did you know if you are typing really fast
that it comes out Loolipoop?

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