Thursday, January 5, 2012

1/5/2012 You Know You Are a Bad Housekeeper When:

You know you are a bad housekeeper when:
1 You take your long-handled duster to
one corner of the ceiling and your youngest
child shouts, "Mom! What are you doing?!"
"If you take down those black cobwebs
our house won't look like Halloween year 'round!"
2 You train your oldest son to clean his bathroom
when he is eight years old and feel proud of him.
His floors, sink and toilet are always spotless.
You open the shower curtain to check how the tub
looks for his eighteenth birthday and realize
you forgot to tell him the cleaning the bathtub
was part of the job.
3 You clean your pantry and find thirty-two
tiny bags of coffee from coffee makers from hotels
going back to 1987 when you got hired at the airline.
4 You spend two hours cutting open the tiny coffee bags
and putting them in your canister.
5 You realize you will never get those two hours back.
6 You clean your closet and find your missing address book
and decide to write your best friend a letter.
7 You find $20.00 that you hid for emergencies behind the
stamps in the address book
and decide:
Being a bad housekeeper isn't all bad.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty funny and spot on for lots of peeps. But Gretchen, please don't ever invite me over for "coffee". : )
