Friday, October 28, 2011

11/27/2011 Fear Factor When Leaving for My Cruise Ship Job

There are so many dangerous things on a cruise ship
that it's not even funny.
Below-deck stairs that are more like ladders.
Watertight doors that can squish you in half,
and the biggest danger;
my runaway imagination.
With my claustrophobia,
my fear of being assigned a cabin below
the waterline is now out of control.
That is my biggest fear.
My smallest fear is getting a top bunk
since I'm a Bladder Day Saint,
a condition that night time does not abate.
In between those fears is the fact that unlike my last
ship job, our youth center does not close mid-day
so I can take a nap.
I'm now afraid I'll fall asleep at work,
get thrown in the brig (yes, they do have them)
get fired
and get put off at the next port
without airfare home. (Fact of ship life if fired)
With our charge card over the limit,
I'll have to hitchhike from Miami to Seattle
or worse yet,
I'll get put off at
Stirrup Cay in the Bahamas
and have to live my last twenty-four years there.
Wait, that might be a good thing!

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